I’m often are asked why we named our podcast New With Tags. It doesn’t have the word “swinger” in the title, how are interested people going to find it.
We chose the name because it has meaning for us. When the kids left for college it was time to do some cleaning out of closets. In that process, I found a lot of unworn lingerie that still had tags on them. You see, in spite of all the good intentions, I never found the time to cut off the tags and wear them. Paul and I decided then that we would take every Sunday night and have a sexy dinner while I wore my New With Tags lingerie.
That was really the start of my deciding to live my most authentic life, but I needed to be deliberate about it. During those dinners we would talk about things on our bucket lists. I felt like I had a lot to say and to examine and it was during those dinners that the idea of our podcast was born. It took us over a year to get there, but we released our first episode on October 17th, 2019. The sound was awful and we had absolutely no idea what we were doing. We figured we would record for us and for a handful of friends that we thought might listen.
We are still a small podcast and we aren’t everyones’ cup of tea. It amazes us every time we hear from someone we’ve never met that listens to us! We want to think and make other people think. We tell a sexy story in every episode, but that isn’t the only content in the podcast. We will always be our authentic selves and we love adding people to our tribe ~Jamie